Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Last Mission-part 1

In the book The Last Mission by Harry Mazer , it talks about a young man who joins the army during World War Two where he later would join the air force and become a hero.

A little background information  during this time is during world war two the war was almost over and Hitler was at his end yet there was still one last air mission to put him away for good. The main character name is Jack and he is only 15 from New York. He had lied about his age just so he can become apart of the air force. He knew he wanted to stop Hitler and this was the best way he could do it.

The author's purpose in writing this story is to bring up a different way of what could have happen during world war two, almost as if he wanted to predict what would happen if this young 15 year old kid was apart of the air force. its a action filling whats going to happen next type of book. i think that the author of this book must have been around during this world war two time otherwise he probably would have not had these strong details about the war and he would not be able to add that war like twist to his story with the young boy trying to be the hero.

In my opinion the strengths in this book are the fact thats the kid is only 15 years of age yet he has a huge desire to be a guy that can say he help fight in the war. I think the weakest point in this book so far is when they kind of come up with this idea that because the parents are polish they are sending these care packages to Poland because of what is going on. i think that was really a weak point that the author put in this story. yet overall this is a very interesting book and i feel like i am in for a surprising ending with this action filled book.


  1. When reading this, my first thought was Mr. Farher's class, just saying.

    This book seems really interesting. Mainly because it talks about World War II and discuss how a fifteen-year-old boy has the desire to join the army and contribute to the success. In addition, John discusses the authors purpose- "to bring up different ways of what could have happen during the World War. When I think of the teenage boy, i assume that maybe the reason why he wants to join the war/air-force is particularly because maybe his father, or distant relative joined some type of force.

  2. This book seems interesting. It seems like a book someone who enjoys history, especially World War 2 would read.

    Can you clarify your third paragraph? Are you saying that if this boy did not join the air force, the result of World War 2 would be different? I am a little confused about that part. Was he really that influential that his presence caused his nation to win?

    Other than that, you are clear and strong with your points. Maybe to make it even stronger, add some quotes from the book. I am looking forward to hearing more about your book. Great start for your future essays/book responses.

  3. What was the last mission that was needed to "put him away for good"? How old did he pretend to be? Are there specific reasons why he wanted to stop hitler?

    It sounds like an interesting book. You should probably provide evidence as to why you think that author is trying to tell a "different way" World War 2 could've happened. Why would he want to do this?

    Have you thought that maybe the author IS telling from experience, but tryiing to look at it from some one else's viewpoint?

  4. The book sounds really... What's the word... Nonfictional? Realistic? Stories about war and history are always depressing to me, but this one seems to be about a youthful guy trying to be a man. At least that's the impression I got.

    The book sounds interesting, it seems like you enjoy it which is a good thing.I liked how at the end you admitted that you were waiting to be surprised. It's nice to get the reader's perspective amongst a summary of the text.

  5. I'm confused about what's happening in your book, I think you could have explained it better.

    You lost me at your third paragraph at "...almost as if he wanted to predict what would happen if this young 15 year old kid was apart of the air force." To understand this, i think i would need to read the book, or have a better explanation of what happened in it.

    also, your answer to the one book review question seemed really short, i'd just like to hear more about the purpose of the story.
