Friday, August 27, 2010

ASTI constitution

 i like this quote because it shows a lot of creativity. i found this quote on Vanessa
A lot of people think that the reason behind bullying others is because of insecurity and the want to make them feel better about themselves by making others feel so low. The truth behind it all is that it is just the way that girls act. It can also happen with boys, but with girls it is more common because drama comes naturally to us. Not all girls have insecurity issues.
 This quote relates to the ASTI constitution because it states that bullies have a reason for doing certain things to other people.That reason is to make them sevles feel better than others. The number one rule listed on the ASTI consisution is that we should always think before we say something. Normally a bully wont think about what he is about to say or that bully wont care about the other people's feeling and say it anyways.Another big rule on the ASTI constitution is to accept people for who they really are. That means not to juge someone because they are differnt than you. Normally a bully will pick on that person who seems to be a lot differnt than every one else.Thats because they are differnt and just because that may be true doesnt give that bully the right to talk about someone or to make fun of that person. The reason i think bullys are the way they are is because they dont feel good about them selves. When they dont feel good about them selves to make them selves feel better they just pick on others and make those other people feel low which makes the bully feel high. Even sometimes a bully might not no he or she is bulying others all the time but its up to that bully to change their self and not bully other people.

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