Friday, September 17, 2010

Respond to Swagga-style

This quote was written by Aleah.I think fashion is an expression of who you are, I;m not saying every white person who wants to, try and dress black I'm not saying that. But I think styles have to fit you inside and out. Just because you may feel like your black doesn't mean you are. I'm not being racist but still.
First off I would like to say that Aleah makes a very bold statement.This might be a very bold statement does not mean that it is true. i really seem to disagree with some of the things she brings up but Aleah does make some strong points in her blog.

What i don't seem to under stand from Aleah's blog is how do you dress black or white. What does she mean by black or white because if she means race that's not what that race is called. Race is not a color. Also people have the right to dress how ever they please so you have no right to say people who are white should not dress like black people because it does not look right. Style is not chose by race but is chose by society.

I do agree with some of the things she puts out on her blog such as when she says "fashion comes from who you are" That statement really is true because fashion is all about getting some one to look at you or draw other peoples attention for the better because the way you dress. Also there is the possibility that a guy or girl saw a famous person wearing a cool outfit so for them to be cool like that famous person they have to wear what that famous person wears. So there is always going to be the people who dress how they want because they like it and there are going to be people who dress like him/her in order to feel accept by their peers.

So what i basically am trying to say is drees the way you want to drees it does not matter if that race dress like that more just do what makes you as a person happy. If that means dressing like that famous actor then drees like him in order to feel accepted.

1 comment:

  1. John I responded to you!!!
