Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Swag.

This is from keilands blog .
Swag is something that many people are not born with. You have to (as the definition said) "Swag up" . By doing this you are having your own unique style , or you are confident in the style you already have. Confidence is a HUGE piece of having swag.
Well i will first like to ask where do you get these definitions from? Do you just make them up? Is there even a true definition of "swag"? Would you say that you have "swag"?

You say that swag is having your own unique style. Last i checked most people including you don't make up your style you just copy it from someone else. So because you don't have your own unique style that must mean that you don't have swag either. Yes you did also say that confidence is a huge piece of having swag. I do for the most part agree this  statement. The reason i think swag can be important is only because it has to do with someones confidence. If you do not even have self confidence in your self then way bother. This is a big problem in my mind because hat happens if someone says you don't have swag  will that affect some ones confidence.

Another question i have is if every one is not born with Swag does that also mean that they don't have confidence in them self? I feel like the way you make swag seem is not a real positive thing but instead a negative thing. So when you say you have swag can that even be looked upon as a good thing? So my last question is if you have swag Keiland is it such a wonderful thing as you try to make it seem.

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