Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Calvino Resonse essay

In both The Aquatic uncle , and The Dinosaurs , Q is torn between to worlds.

In the story The Dinosaur , Q is the last one of his kind on the planet. So over time he stayed in the mountains. One day Q had decided to come down but he as secret about it. One day when Q is getting something to drink he sees a "new one". So he sneaks up behind her. So as one might do hen they have not seen a creature like that before they would ask questions. In the text it said "if i anted to save myself, i should tear her from limb from limb at once."(98) What this quote shows is Q's natural Dinosaur insect but he anted to fit in with the new world so he had decided he should not tear her from limb to limb.

It seems like  feels like the "new ones" are on to him. As if they think he really is a Dinosaur. In the book "The Dinosaur Q says Not that i never became completely use to the idea: i alays felt like a dinosaur in the midst of enemies, and every evening , hen they stared telling stories of the dinosaur , i hung back in the shadows , my nerves on edge. What this quote shows is Q is not sure if they found out if he as a dinosaur. I f they were to find out about Q would they accept him for who he is. What should Q do? Should he try to fit in with the "new ones" or go back to being a dinosaur.

Even thought Q is the last dinosaur left on Earth i think he is not to up set ith that. Q really wants to fit in but i think him becoming more like the "new ones" will not solve his problem of wanting to fit in. In the text Q says "they all have something i know , that made then some ho superior to me , sublime , something that made me , compared to them , mediocre. and yet i would not trades places ith any of them".(82) What this quote shows is yes Q ants to fit in but no matter what he would always feel like they were better then him.

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