Friday, January 28, 2011


Animal farm-part2

In the story animal farm by the author names "Gorge Orwell" there is a fight for equality. the farm gets taking over by a pig named Napoleon. there is leadership which many desire. yet some abuse that power while some like to use it for good. to make things better. in the book the pigs are kind of seen as the leaders but the pigs all share different views. that's what make all the pigs different about each other. yet in some weird way they are kind of the same. maybe because they are all pigs.

in the farm there was aboar who was kind of the planner of the rebellion ageist the humans. his name was Major. Major passes away kind of soon in the book. in major speech the day before he dies he talks about how the animals should get rid of the humans. major believes all of the animals should be treated equal. all of the animals should in fact be friends. the way major talks is kind of motivating to the other animals and his speech seems to work.

there is the pig who named is snowball. snowball is kind of towards the beginning part of the story. he was the pig who created the seven commandments that he thinks major would most likely want if he was still alive.

i think that the pigs include all the animals as well as consider the animals. when major had spoke all of the animals was able to understand what he was saying. snowball seems to speak in a way that all of the animals don't really seem to understand. snowball tries to keep Major's dream alive which is for all animals to be equal. for some reason snowball always finds a solution to help out animals. he was an effciveespeaker but i feel not how major was.

in conclusion snowball and napoleon was two different kinds of leaders. yet they both where still leaders who choices where good for the animals. after reading the whole book i must say i did like it. i was happy to read a book like thisbook was one that was worth my time. so thanks to sutherland for picking this book.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

opening statement-child stars

Should child actors in shows marketed to younger audiences be expected to serve as role models for people their age?

Child stars on TV today should know better than to put themselves out there like that.

Today, there are many teen stars in the media out there doing shows that are meant to be for little kids, but then again, there are the kid stars who think they can do what they want. Such stars in Disney Channels go out in public and they do all sorts of stuff that little kids should not be watching. There is specifically one star that everyone knows about and that happens to be Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus has done it all as you can say. In the past years, we has seen her grown more and more out of control. At first, she started coming out with pictures that leaked on to Myspace of her basically half- naked. Then she showed up on T.V. dancing around on a pole and in her music video for ‘Party in the U.S.A’, she was also wearing little to no clothes on. Also, she was dating a guy who happened to be a little older than her. He was 20 while she was only 16. The most recent news on Miley Cyrus was that she was smoking out of a bong and the drug was supposedly salvia. Miley Cyrus is not a good role model and for that reason, she should not be able to even be on Disney Channel because of all her previous behavior. Parents would not want their children to be watching everything that she does when she is supposed to be a child star.

The Disney Corporation should not let stars such as Miley Cyrus ruin their name. A teen star such as her makes it seem like that is what all of the Disney kids are doing which is not true. It would not be right if little kids would suddenly want to be just like Miley Cyrus simply because they look up to what she does because she is on Disney Channel. I think that they should just basically not allow these kids to be on the shows where millions of kids a day see them and then later see them on some other type of news doing something that they shouldn’t be doing.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Political power

Writing Prompt: In your opinion, does political power corrupt the people who attain it? Also, how do you think George Orwell would answer this question?

first i would like to say that political power is a very important thing ans should be treated as such. i would also like to say that somehow when it comes down to power it all ways finds a way to get miss used. i really am not sure why that is. there is all ways something wrong when it comes to political power.

after starting reading the book Animal farm i came up upon this quote. which said "man is the only real enemy we have. i was shocked to hear that. i think partly because how i was looking at the story which was in a realistic view. some one told me not to look at the book that way because thats not how the book was written.  so what i think this might be trying to say is anyone with power may have or does have problems.

now the animals say that they will not become like the humans and not follow the humans way. fir some reason i have a hard time believing that. i feel like every new person or animal in this case just says that type of stuff to kind of motivate the people into thinking these people or animals will change how this policy works. and they can only make it better. so thats why i do not agree this will work out and the animal thing will have trouble.

it will be very interesting to see how this works out and i think the author does a good job with keeping the reader guessing and making predictions. i really am enjoying the book so far and i am glad we are reading this for class because there is no other way i would have read this book. but i am glad i am reading it.

Friday, January 14, 2011

free blog post

response post

i found this off of vincent liu blog.

“Childhood is a period of time that I think is the most important moment of a person's entire life. The life of being a kid is such a wonderful and beautiful thing to have… Childhood is the time where we experience many things for the first time… Without a beginning, how can there be a middle or an end? Everything has a beginning and have to start somewhere. For us, our Childhood is where it all begin.”
i really like what vincent said. i do agree that childhood is a big part of every ones life even mine. i think i had a wonderful childhood. it was so good i sometimes wish i can go back in the past and relive the fun of my childhood. i know that for my childhood i did expernce things for the first time. mater of fact that was true for the most of my childhood. a lot of what i know now is becasue of myu childhood.

one of the big things that i can remember from my childhood is school. i learned a lot of new things in my frist few yyears of school. some of the most important things i have learned so far in my life was from my childhood. some of those things where to never give up and allways try your best. now that can go a long ways. those few things really seem to fit into everything in my life. thats why it is so important.

also from my childhood i remember i use to play outside alot. i spent almost the hold day outside. some of the things i use to do was play basketball , football play tag or even just hang out. back then it was so much fun and stress free. i think that may be because i had little homework and a lot of freetime on my hands. i some times wish i still have a lot of time on my hands just so i could have some time to sleep and relax.

so yeah thats my response post about childhood. i would just lie to say that i had a really great childhood to bad it couldent be longer.

Elite college

when the time comes and you have todeside to go to a college one question you may have is which colege should i go to? an elite college or does that even matter. now what people seem to think is that if you go to a elite college somehow your life will be so much better.  well i dont really agree with that. i think as long as you go to college and get your degree thats all that matters.

the response that i feel like that made the most sense was "skip the admissions game" by kevin carney. it talks about if you have a lot of money and can pay for an elite college then do so. while some people may not have a ton of money and can not pay for those expensive elitle colleges they might have to go to smaller name colleges. like i said before the key is to got to college.

"If you're among the small handful of students who have stellar SAT scores and parents with several hundred thousand dollars to spend, you should seriously consider going to an elite college or university... But most students -- about four out of five -- attend colleges that have modest resources, are easy to get into, and are relatively obscure. Lacking any other way to distinguish among these choices, these students usually attend whichever college is cheapest and closest to home."

anyone who is able to go a elite college then of course you should go. but if you can not go to a elite college because of money reasons that does not mean you can not get a college degree.