Friday, January 14, 2011

Elite college

when the time comes and you have todeside to go to a college one question you may have is which colege should i go to? an elite college or does that even matter. now what people seem to think is that if you go to a elite college somehow your life will be so much better.  well i dont really agree with that. i think as long as you go to college and get your degree thats all that matters.

the response that i feel like that made the most sense was "skip the admissions game" by kevin carney. it talks about if you have a lot of money and can pay for an elite college then do so. while some people may not have a ton of money and can not pay for those expensive elitle colleges they might have to go to smaller name colleges. like i said before the key is to got to college.

"If you're among the small handful of students who have stellar SAT scores and parents with several hundred thousand dollars to spend, you should seriously consider going to an elite college or university... But most students -- about four out of five -- attend colleges that have modest resources, are easy to get into, and are relatively obscure. Lacking any other way to distinguish among these choices, these students usually attend whichever college is cheapest and closest to home."

anyone who is able to go a elite college then of course you should go. but if you can not go to a elite college because of money reasons that does not mean you can not get a college degree.

1 comment:

  1. Good points! If you are basing college decisions on money then your writing is greatly flawed. Those who have stellar SAT's, GPA, and Extra- Curricular activities can get full ride scholarships. This would mean that studying well in which ever school you are in now can allow you to go to an elite school, even if you do not have a lot of money at the moment. Hard work will pay off for an elite college and simply being passive may not be the best resolve.
