Friday, January 14, 2011

response post

i found this off of vincent liu blog.

“Childhood is a period of time that I think is the most important moment of a person's entire life. The life of being a kid is such a wonderful and beautiful thing to have… Childhood is the time where we experience many things for the first time… Without a beginning, how can there be a middle or an end? Everything has a beginning and have to start somewhere. For us, our Childhood is where it all begin.”
i really like what vincent said. i do agree that childhood is a big part of every ones life even mine. i think i had a wonderful childhood. it was so good i sometimes wish i can go back in the past and relive the fun of my childhood. i know that for my childhood i did expernce things for the first time. mater of fact that was true for the most of my childhood. a lot of what i know now is becasue of myu childhood.

one of the big things that i can remember from my childhood is school. i learned a lot of new things in my frist few yyears of school. some of the most important things i have learned so far in my life was from my childhood. some of those things where to never give up and allways try your best. now that can go a long ways. those few things really seem to fit into everything in my life. thats why it is so important.

also from my childhood i remember i use to play outside alot. i spent almost the hold day outside. some of the things i use to do was play basketball , football play tag or even just hang out. back then it was so much fun and stress free. i think that may be because i had little homework and a lot of freetime on my hands. i some times wish i still have a lot of time on my hands just so i could have some time to sleep and relax.

so yeah thats my response post about childhood. i would just lie to say that i had a really great childhood to bad it couldent be longer.

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