Friday, January 28, 2011

Animal farm-part2

In the story animal farm by the author names "Gorge Orwell" there is a fight for equality. the farm gets taking over by a pig named Napoleon. there is leadership which many desire. yet some abuse that power while some like to use it for good. to make things better. in the book the pigs are kind of seen as the leaders but the pigs all share different views. that's what make all the pigs different about each other. yet in some weird way they are kind of the same. maybe because they are all pigs.

in the farm there was aboar who was kind of the planner of the rebellion ageist the humans. his name was Major. Major passes away kind of soon in the book. in major speech the day before he dies he talks about how the animals should get rid of the humans. major believes all of the animals should be treated equal. all of the animals should in fact be friends. the way major talks is kind of motivating to the other animals and his speech seems to work.

there is the pig who named is snowball. snowball is kind of towards the beginning part of the story. he was the pig who created the seven commandments that he thinks major would most likely want if he was still alive.

i think that the pigs include all the animals as well as consider the animals. when major had spoke all of the animals was able to understand what he was saying. snowball seems to speak in a way that all of the animals don't really seem to understand. snowball tries to keep Major's dream alive which is for all animals to be equal. for some reason snowball always finds a solution to help out animals. he was an effciveespeaker but i feel not how major was.

in conclusion snowball and napoleon was two different kinds of leaders. yet they both where still leaders who choices where good for the animals. after reading the whole book i must say i did like it. i was happy to read a book like thisbook was one that was worth my time. so thanks to sutherland for picking this book.

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