Friday, February 25, 2011

joy luck club quick write

In the Joy Luck Club, one of the main characters, Shuyuan Woo tells her daughter June Woo different stories all the time. The one that stuck out the most to her daughter was the Kweilin story. Shuyuan tells her daughter of how she made her club, the Joy Luck Club. She changed her stories a couple times. The first version to the story is when she ends it with talking about the Joy Luck Club and how it was formed, she tells about the other women who were involved in the club and how they kept each other up in hard times.

Another ending to the story was when she won money from playing a game with the women of the Joy Luck Club and how she used that to buy rice. That rice turned into porridge and then that gruel for two feet of a pig. Then the feet became eggs and the eggs became chickens.

The last version to the story was when she tells her daughter that she had to leave her children back in her country. A man told Shuyuan to leave Kweilin because the Japanese were coming. After this, she ran and she was only carrying two bags that had food and the other that had clothes. On her arms, she carried her two babies. After days of running away, she dropped the bags because her hands became bloody and then when she was too tired, she also left her babies behind. Then, that was when she arrived to America to have a new life with new children.

Shuyuan Woo changes the story that she tells her daughter because she does not want her to know of the type of mother that she was. She had to sacrifice her children in order to be safe. She didn’t want her to know about her two other children and especially not that she had to leave them on the way. It was her way of hiding things from her daughter in order for her to be able to still have that good life that she always wished for her daughter to have.

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