Wednesday, February 16, 2011

quick write about A.F and Egypt

       After reading the book animal farm by George Orwell and hearing about the events in Tunisia and Egypt some of the connections these two make are more well seen in some cases such as the want change. in the book the animal farm the animals take over the farm and throw out their leader which is the human. this is the same for what is going on in Egypt they are throwing out there old unused full government and they already threw out their leader. the leaders of these two have been where there at for a long long time and the people want a change they want something new. they want the real happiness.

       something else that is common between both animal farm and what is taking place in Egypt is the fact that they really want to get rid of the leaders. they both would do just about anything and every thing to say that got rid of this person. there are some examples of this happing already such as people sleeping in between the tracks of tanks just knowing that if these tanks move a few feet there bones would turn into red color pancakes. yet they are OK will knowing the fact how close they are to death. they just want change in this world and would risk there lives to get it. they know its all for the better of the goverment the country and most importanly the people.

      these people where tired just like in the book the animal farm because the choices there governments and or leaders are making was more for the benift of them and less of the people. which might i say make up a country.

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