Thursday, February 17, 2011

why chinese mothers are superior-quick write

If a Chinese child gets a B which would never happen—there would first be a screaming, hair-tearing explosion. The devastated Chinese mother would then get dozens, maybe hundreds of practice tests and work through them with her child for as long as it takes to get the grade up to an A.
If it was me i wouldn't know want to do because if i had gooten lower than an A i would be in big trouble.
this for me is scary to really know that there are parents out there that will scream at their kids for not getting the highest grade in the school. I know for some people like some of my friends they say this is true. i was shocked to hear that. at first when they told me this i thought they were liking because they where barging about their grades. i always wanted to know why and how the Chinese got these straight A's and the thing about that is they would say i never studied for this. so i thought that the teachers would cheat for them because they where Chinese. so to hear about something like this is very sad but hey if your getting good grades then theirs nothing really you can complain about. Right?

For me i don't agree with this because in my family we for sure don't think like that and we do not have this structured life like the way these Chinese  mothers described it. it is really kind of boring and can be very streesful on the kids because i think no one wants to learn that way. i feel like kids want to try something new because thats how they learn. yeah they might learn by what their parents say beut really who wants to learn like that if they have the chance to learn in a more fun way.

Over all after reading this i kind of thought it was both funny and a waste of my time. why would any one say something like this because to me i do not thing it is kind of useful to stress out your kids over school work. yeah school work is important but so is having a life. so yeah that my take on this article.

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