Friday, October 1, 2010

response to andy

I found this quote in Andy's blog.
Maybe I should just deactivate my account? Or just delete it totally? But, I would feel so left out in updates about my friends. In addition, I would also feel left out when my friends talk about Facebook and I did not see the post or comment. I do not know what to do. I wonder how long Facebook will be part of my life. 5 years? 10 years? 50 years? We'll have to see...  
Well i would first like to say that i love facbook. My freshman year at ASTI every one was telling me john get a facebook so e can talk. So i did and every since then i have been using facbook to talk with my friends and do other stuff to like play games and practice my computer farming skills. That's ill farmvill of course.
Next i would like to ask Andy why do you think you are going to miss out on something that your friends may post or comment. If they really had something to tell you that was important i think they would call you or tell you at school. So don't feel like your being left out because truly you are not.

You also said you are not sure what you should do. Well i think you should just limit your self to using facebook. There is no reason why you should deactivate your account because you must enjoy it. so hy erase something in your life that you seem to enjoy so much. What i mean by limit is limit your time you spent on facebook. Maybe you can do your homework first and then spent maybe an hour on facebook. That way you make sure your homework is complete. Also if you only spent an hour on facebook that lives other time for reading , hanging out ith friends, or even going to sleep.

You say you don't know how long facebook will be a part of your life. My answer to that would be as long as you want it to be. Facebook may end up being ith you for the rest of your life and that's OK. As long as you limit your self using facebook there is nothing wrong. so i hope i was helpful and wish you the best ith your facebook  problem.

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