Sunday, December 12, 2010

speak part two

after reading part two of speak by an author named Laurie Halse Anderson i really enjoyed it. this book just keeps making me want to turn the page but i don't want to over read because then there wont be a surprise to both what i am reading and the last group discussion.

now the second group discussion was not the same as the first group discussion. this group discussion was not the same as the first one. it felt as if this group discussion was dead. that was until Mr.Sutherland came over to the table. Mr. Sutherland asked the question does the author portray high school as it really is.that really seemed to spark the conversation.

Now i was not sure how to answer this question because i don't go to a regular high school i go to A.S.T.I not some huge big high school. threes a way that Melinda makes the people at her high school into groups and also Melinda has theses nick names for the people she mostly sees at school. the nick names she gives people kind of in a way represents how she sees that person or how she thinks that person acts.

another topic that was brought up at the group discussion was how Melinda parents did not really care about her. well at least that's what it seemed like because when they where at home it was like they would try not to even see each other let alone talk to one another. that was very surprising to me.

over all this has been one of the best books i have read all year long. i can not wait to finish the book.

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