Saturday, December 4, 2010

While looking through Google Reader I fell on this quote from Shiyun,
Does our image really matter that much in our lives?
yes i think it does more importaly food is a huge image on our lives.As I stare at the clock in fourth period I can hear the grail of my stomach telling the clock to hurry up. Once fourth period is over I head over to the cafeteria. French fries are my choice for lunch today. We pick a spot to eat our lunch. Once I sit down I look at my French fries and smile. The golden color fries sit there in the white box with a little ketchup on the side. I pick up the first French fry. I can feel the heat and the oil on my fingertips. The first bite has a light crunch and it’s like I can taste the salt grains. Plus the quick dip of ketchup to add an extra flavor.
Once school is over and i am home it is almost time to eat dinner. Dinner is at the same time every night, six o clock. Every one eats dinner together in my family. There is a full table hen six o clock comes around. I never ask hat ill be for dinner because I would rather be surprised. Tonight happens to be one of my all time favorite dishes. Tacos! On the table there was different bowls and plates filled with sides toping drinks and much more. It looked like a city of food. There was ice berg lettuce, juicy red tomatoes, green onions, sour cream that looks like glue. There was ground beef that had a little spicy kick to it. There was even my favorite drink, Strawberry lemonade. My first taco was filled with all of these yummy toppings. The fist bite was hard to make because of my watery mouth. As I took the first bite I could taste the spicy ground beef , the  ice berg lettuce , the juicy red tomatoes , the green onions that glue like sour cream that reminds me of pre-school.
This is a typical day for my eating. Although my eating style is not the healthiest I still much enjoy eating every bite. I try to eat healthy but for me it just does not work as simple I would picture it.  Although these foods are so delicious they are not healthy for my body.  The fats and oils from fried food place a huge part in that.
Even though it seems like I eat unhealthy I regularly eat healthy and stay active. I do not eat a lot of junk foods or drink a lot of sugary drinks.  When ever I am at home I do not have the choice to eat all of this junk food because my grandmother does not buy those types of snacks. Now sometimes she might buy chips but I would normally eat an apple or orange instead. There is soda in my house but I choose not to drink it. Instead I drink ice water. No my eating habits are not perfect I do some times eat fast foods and drink sugary drinks but I really try me best to limit my self with all that unhealthy stuff.  I will admit is a lot cheaper for me to eat fast food for lunch instead to make a sandwich and bring my lunch from home. I also dislike caring my lunch I rather just carry money. Plus no of days anything to save a few dollars it’s worth it. Even if it is unhealthy for me. Also with just a couple of dollars you can get a lot to eat.  In Shannon Brownlees article “its portion makes America fat” she says “the deal with all the enhanced portions is that the customer gets a lot more food for a relatively small increase in price”(par.14). Being able to have a little bit of money and get a lot of food only makes you want to keep eating that food. One because it taste good and two its very cheap. So why wouldn’t any one want to eat unhealthy foods. 
The United States is one of the top if not the top countries that is the heaviest. There are so many reasons I think the United States struggle with obesity, the most noticeable reason is the American diet. Just how the average American eats I would not be suspired. So the only question that I have is who we blame for providing the people with the foods that they eat which causes them to have bad diets.

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