- Choose one post. (My favorite? My least favorite? The one that surprises me the most when I reread it?) Analyze it in detail. Explain the "behind-the-scenes" of how it was written, what it truly means, where its inspiration came from, etc.
now the question you been waiting for. what is my favorite blog if i even have one and if not what is my least favorite blog. well i am not sure if i have a favorite blog. that is because i really take pride in all my writing pieces even if they are not good to other people. when i write a blog it is normally what is on my mind that day or even at that time. so i feel like my blogs are random and just each weeek has a whole ne topic than from the one in the week in the past.
there are a few blogs that are not my best work. well i think that every blog that i posted can be a lot better. the reason they are not that good as i would like them to be is because i just seem to write about what ever at that time. so yeah they seem to be a little random.as the year goes on i really hope to improve my blog writing so that both me and the person that is reading my blogs can really one hundred percent understand what i am writing about and why i am writing about that topic. i feel that every thing i write about has a reason as well as a purpose for some one else. almost as if my writing will change anothers persons thoughts on that topic. that would be really cool.
when i re read my blogs which is not a lot the one thing that surprises me is my grammar and ho i talk. i feel like i dont use big words that make me sound smart and when i type i have a lot of error. that type of stuff really makes me look bad as a person. that is like the main reason why i dont like to share my writing with others. i think that al the people or readers will do is make fun of my work so i really just rush because i get nervous. also i dont know sometimes if i should write about topics because people might call me names or make fun of me. no one likes to be made fun of. so i choose not to write about the greatest topics instead i ill just write something totally random like say sports and ho a hockey team did tonight in the game. when i know i really want to write about why i like or dis like about ASTI. topics about school seem really good to write about i am just not sure if i should write about that stuff on blogger.
so when i blog what it truly means to me is freedom that can not be expressed. what i mean by that is i have the right to say or write something about him or her that place this place ect. then again if i write about him or her that place what would the out come be. will that person look at me different will i be welcomed at that place again. so to me its really a tricky question.
when i write blogs there has to be some insertion other wise i don't think i would right blogs. now just because there is does not mean i know it. and i don't really truly know what my inperstion is. i guess you can say its me getting a good grade in English class or making my mom proud. or even earning the respect from some one say a teacher. it really seems to vary.
now over all if i could be asked the question do you like blogging every eek i would say yes. the reason i would say yes would be because i just like to write. the thing that really makes it great and makes me wont to juist write these weekly blogs is the freedom that comes with it. we are able to write about what ever and not have to worry about this not fitting what the rubric says or stuff like that. last year was hard for me in English class because of ho it was runed. we would read the really boring books that had nothing to do with us and we would then be asked to write an essay on how this book connects to us. and really there is no true connection with me and tha book. now we are reading books that i feel have at least some connection with my daily life. also me beening able to write what i want is the greastest thing ever.