Friday, October 22, 2010

night essay

Throughout life individuals build their morale and their faith in humanity, and many people assume that all human beings have good intentions. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel he explains his physical, mental, and spiritual journey as he spends three years of his young life in a concentration camp. He realizes the atrocities that humans have the potential to commit. As Elie spends time in the concentration camp his faith in humanity deteriorates and leaves him a state of depression and loneliness. Although Elie escaped death within the concentration camps he has still become deceased.

          The horror that Elie has seen in the concentration camps greatly changes his out look on life , the fate of his family and his on self fate. in the first part of the book it says “ i don't want to wait here. i am going to run into the electric wire. that would be better than slow agony in the flames.”(31) this is a perfect example of Elie deciding to end his own life  it was so bad that Elie thought him dieing would be better than to live another day.

In the Begin of the book it said that Elie was a religious man and trusted in God. Once this concentration camp started he began to question why this is happening to him. After Elie saw the crematory he losses his faith in God when he sees the burning of children within society. He thought God would save him from his misfortunes , but when he saw the burning of children he lost his faith completely. On page 73 is shows a strong example of how Elie begins to question his faith. It says “it is the end. god is no longer with us”(73). This shows that Elie is no becoming deceased. Once you lose your believe in something what is the point in living anyway.

    Once someone loses there mother and sister and is sure that they will lose their father what do they think? Well it seemed like Elie was not sure if he would be better to die or to live another day. There was a sense like that the concentration camps where pulling fathers and sons a part. Like in the book there was this action that had a boy kill his own father just for food. To me i think this would not tear a father and son apart but instead bring then closer. in the text is says “ don't talk like that father i don't want you to say that. keep the spoon and the knife. we shall see each other again.(71). To me this shows how close a father and son can be even if an item is so valuable it may decide life or death. the

    Thought the whole book “Night” i never was sure up in tell the end if Elie was going to make it. Al the pain he went through. Every thing he saw threw his watered eyes. Him even questioning god the one he believed in. After All of that i would still think that this boy would change and try his best to erase it from is mind.just because Elie escaped physical death does not mean he will escaped mental death.

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