Friday, October 8, 2010

response to middle school.

i miss middle school just as much as Bany Juaregui. In one of her blog posts she states:
   I remembered the times I had with friends at middle school. I remember always hanging out, not really doing work. I never studied for test and I did my homework about five minutes before class, I never really needed to do anything because middle school was so easy.
First i would like to say that i went to Chipman middle school in Alameda. I went to that school for all three years. it was not a bad school but it was not the greatest middle school ever. i guess when i first got there i thought it would be very difficult. It later turned out to be a super fun experience.

The statement that bany makes is one that i can kind of agree with. well i first agree with having a blast in middle school and hanging out with great Friends also. There was a nice feeling i would have as i walked don the halls. it was a lot different than fifth grade. The only part that was the same was the way my classmates acted. Other than that it was like another world. We had lockers instead of desk Cobbie's. we had p.e every day and not only one day out of the week. e even had a class for every subject. it was great.

I really can not agree when Bany says there was not a lot of work or he never had to study for test. All that i really seem to disagree with. when i was in middle school it was not that easy. if we didn't do our homework we would not get good grades on the test because that was a form of studying. it was very important for us to make sure we did our homework and understand what we were doing. Middle school for me was no piece of cake. it was very hard for me to make that adjustment. but after that first year of middle school things started to get brighter. everything was coming to me. i was not having such a hard time like i did in the first year. i really feel that my second year was a huge leap.

Bany says he misses middle school because he did not have to do any work. well i really do miss middle school but it was not because i had no work to do. part of his problem was because he must still be use to those middle school ways. so i think it is very important for him to make the transition from not doing work to doing homework every night for the rest of high school and collage also. there will not be a no studying test and passing happing in high school is the real deal. there is no fooling around as a teacher would say.

so i really hope that Bany makes the change of not doing homework at the last minutes because that will make life hard and also studying for your test and not take it lightly. High school should not be taken as a joke so get serious and make a good name for your self.

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