Friday, October 8, 2010

my free way to learn

Though some people may think all humans learn the same, the abilities to learn are endless. Some of the more major ways of learning are interpersonal, spatial, body kinesthetic, logical/ mathematical, music/rhythmic and verbal/linguistic intelligence. All of theses different types of learning styles are not for every person but there are a few that seem to fit my learning skills. An analysis of the learning styles exposes different abilities that people use to acquire intelligence.
    The first learning style that I seem to work well with is Interpersonal intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence is when people need to talk with one another and listen to each other in order to be successful in every thing they do. They have to interact with other people.  Doctor Thomas Armstrong once stated “We are also social animals who thrive and grow when involved with others” ( This shows that without people physically seeing and interacting with one another, they are not able to grow. The way people can’t grow is by not talking to one another or not making a conversation among each other or just being unsocial.  Interpersonal learners such as myself need to be able to socialize in the real world in order to be successful. Doctor Thomas Armstrong said “Interpersonal intelligence is seen in how we notice distinction among others; in particular contrast in their moods, temperaments and intentions” ( This shows that interpersonal intelligence can be seen lots of ways. This is because peoples moods, temperaments and intentions are a big part of there life. Being an interpersonal learner helps me because I can feel safer talking with others in order to learn.

The second style that I and acquire use Spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence is a learning ability that is most commonly seen in how people comprehend pictures and figures. Doctor Thomas Armstrong said once “to tap our spatial intelligence is commonly seen in how we comprehend shapes and images in three dimensions.” ( This shows that the spatial intelligence is a good use for remembering things. For me, if I see an image it seems to stick in my memory even if that was not the intention. This is because our body interprets different ways of intelligence. When the eye sees an image or images in three dimensions it seems to stay in ones memory. Doctor Armstrong also stated “advances in neuroscience have now provided researchers with clear-cut proof of the role of Spatial Intelligence in the right hemisphere of the brain” ( This shows that now there is evidence to back up the statement that people who see images can re see them in there mind. This is because the scientists have researched enough to find proof of spatial intelligence. Being a Spatial intelligence learner helps me because I can take a picture of an image in my mind and be able to play that image back in my mind later.

In conclusion, the learning styles that I acquire expose different abilities that all help me in a way that I can be a successful learner. The importance or self awareness is very crucial because if I don’t know my learning habits then how am I going to be successful in the learning habits that fit. Well the learning styles that most people acquire are a lot different from one another. I have some goals for my three learning styles and that is simply to succeed in all of the learning styles I feel like I acquire.

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