Tuesday, November 23, 2010

garcia girls response

in the first section of of the garcia girls i really had trouble  understanding the story and i was not sure as to if i would like reading this book. after the first se4ction i read the second and the same thing was i still was not liking this book. now by the third section nothing changed. lucky for me i still have to write a thousand word essay on a book i very much did not enjoy but i guess that's a part of a high school life. reading and doing things even if you don't agree with it or don't want to do it. so yeah i really don't recommend this book to people who like a fast more style type book or a book some one could relate to. but thats juist my view of this book.

So now to the essay. In the book " ho the Garcia girls lost their accents" by julia Alvarez i feel like it contains a mix of control and change.

The authors purpose i think in writing this book is to show how the stages of a girls life can change depending on where See comes from. i think where the Garcia girls live has a huge impact on the things they do.  now this story goes in backwards cronilocal order. now it starts off in the girls adulthood. then it goes to the girls teenage years which by then they are living in the united states. and lastly it ends when they are little girls and they live in the Dominican republic.

 first i will start off by taking about when the girls are fully grown and now called women. when the Garcia girls are living the American life style as adults they really seem to have more rights as women in the united states. now i feel like if the Garcia girls have been living in the Dominican republic they would have very little rights or even no real rights at all.

When the Garcia girls are teenagers they really seem to explore that life of an American teenage girl.i feel like they where at that age where they feel like they need to try everything. Also the Garcia girls explore the college life in America. the college life for these girls also includes sex and drugs, which i think they just wanted to explore this young teenage American way.America really seems to change the girls in there way of thinking and living.

The childhood of the Garcia girls i think would have been a lot different if they where livi9ng in the united states. now because the Garcia girls was raised in the Dominican republic it shows them how lucky they truly are once they get to the united states. i think they see how much they had and have when they move.

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