Friday, November 5, 2010

free write- food poem.

  I This was a poem i wrote for my writing class. my classmates liked it. i think it was a little funny. i just want to show how much i love fried chicken. Now i love fried chicken but i really need to have other things to go with it. some of the things i like with my fried chicken is mash potato  and gravy corn on the cob with a little butter on it and of course a cup of ice cold kool aid. i love kool aid its like the best drink ever.                  
Fried chicken

I am tall and hungry
I wonder if I will get something to eat
I hear the sizzle
I see a deep fryer
I want chicken in that deep fryer
I am tall and hungry

I pretend that there is chicken in the deep fryer
When it’s done I put it on a plate
I feel the grease hot fried chicken in my greased hands
I touch the steam from the chicken with my watery Tounge
I worry that the single piece of chicken will get lonely
I cry because I do not have corn on the cob for my lonely piece of chicken
I am tall and hungry

I understand I can’t always do well for those lonely fried chicken pieces out there
So I say let there be more sides
I dream of a happy world fill with all types of sides
 To go along with those lonely fried chicken pieces
I try to make my dream a reality
I hope it will be very soon
I am tall and hungry.

Now people can write a poem of there favorite foods that would be cool. I am very interested when it comes to foods. so yeah i think it would be cool if people write poems on there favorite foods.

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