Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to body image

 I found this quote on  Shiyun blog

Does our image really matter that much in our lives? I think that we are too focused in our appearances rather than our who we really are. I started to realize that most of us care about being liked by others around us or wants to be praised for their looks. In Mrs. Corbally's class, I  have learned a lot about the feeling that people have for their image. I was really surprised when I watched the videos about being too fat or people that are suffering through anorexia thought so much about their weight. It gave me a whole different perspective of this matter that I have never thought about.

well if some one was to ask me the question does my image really matter much in my life. my first answer at first would be yes. the reason i say that is because to me my looks are a huge part of my life as well as most people. i guess i am focused on my appearance a lot. i dis agree when people say appearance is  more important than who we really are. i really agree with the fact that some one can look good and just because they look good does not mean i don't care about who i really am. i know who i really am and the way i look will not change who i truly am.

yes after watching the videos in corbally class i was surprised on how people would say they are fat or they where suffering from anorexia. these movie's mostly talked about weight but not so much on what types of food we should eat. now i don't know why that was but to me it was kind of boring. the videos that we watched gave me  a whole different perspective of this. i never really thought about this before.

in class there was a question asked and it said do i think about my weight. well i don't really think about my weight. i just see my weight as it is and leave it at that. i feel if people think about there weight they must not be happy with them self's.

 A question i have is why do most people not all but most people see fat as bad and skinny as good. just a question i wonder. i think they see it that way just because most people see it that way. but i don't understand why most people see it that way. that's not a fair way to apply to someone because of there weight i think.
Overall this week has been a true eye opener to me with all this stuff about weight and how to eat. i just think if someone is happy the way they are then why pressure them into changing. cause i think people making the videos is a form of pressure as well as all the pictures of the skinny girls and boys. it really bugs me. i just think people should be able to eat what ever they want and look ho ever they want with out feeling pressured into something they are not.

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