Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Garcia Girls response part 2

In the second part of "how the garcia girls lost theeir accents" it was discussing about the ways the entire family was being changed by the united states. They were beginning to get more americanized due to the factors that they had came to face within the united states.

in the second section the family begens to show how most of there innocence was being lost. when the girls where in their teenage years at the beginning of the second part i could tell how they were changing and already changed. i think if the girls had grown up in the dominican Republic instead of the united states they might have been differnt. i am almost for sure the girls would be differnt. For instance the girls had possession of marijuana aka "weed". this to me shows how america has a negitive effect on the girls.After what had happen to the girls in america they were all sent back to the domincan republic just like every summer. when there mother went to see them she had confronted the girls even the younger sisiter Sofia.

Another incident that ocurred in the book was Carla  was walking home from school. The family thought that they were living in a fairly safe neighborhood, but they were wrong. When Carla was walking home, she was being stalked by a man in his car. As the car rolled up on her, she had freaked out or  got nervous. the man   wanted her to come to the window. Carla didn’t want to go to his window  because she didn’t want to speak to him because she was not a good english speaking person. so what happened was that the man was a pervert who had showed Carla his penis and scared Carla  home to tell her mother what happened and the mother called the police.

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