Friday, November 12, 2010

response post- video games

after searching for someone to responded to i found a topic by   Eric Willson in which I could agree and some what can relate to.

  I think video games are alright. I play a decent amount of video games when I can. I have an Xbox and sometimes I play P.C. games. I used to play video games too much last year and it got in the way of my schoolwork and affected my grades. Now, I try to finish my homework before I play video games. On my Xbox I mostly listen to music and watch movies

I for the most part really agree with what Eric says about video games. yes i do agree with the fact that video games are fun to play. i also have a x-box 360. once i got my x-box360 a few years back i feel in love with it. i would allays stay up on weekends just to play it. it was worth it at the time. i would mostly play sports games like madden and 2k. The basketball games was always my favorite. i guess that might be because i was not really good at madden which by the way is a football video game. 

The reason i do not fully agree with what Eric says is because i know that for me at least when i got my x-box 360 i couldn't stop playing it. i had got it for my birthday which happens to be during winter break. so the whole winter break i would play video games witch i thought couldn't be that bad for me.

The true is at least for me is video games was not as good as i thought it was. The reason i say that is because i know that once winter break was over it really became hard for me to get back to the ways i was use to when school came back around. i struggled in school because i would spend so much time on video games and not homework.

so one day i get a not so good report card and my mom tells me until i bring my grades up i cant play my video games. i loved my video games to i was very forced on getting it back and the way i did that was by just doing my homework and studding. now my grades did go back up and i did get my video game back but by then i had noticed that video games controlled me and so i stop playing it as much.

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