Friday, November 12, 2010

free write

This week was one to remember. fist i would like to say what i did this week starting with Monday. so Monday it seemed normal just like an every day Monday. i go to all my classes and at the end of the day something happens. A friends asks me if i am going to try out for the basketball team. i say no but then he says just do it. so i call my mom to bring me my basketball shoes and we walk to try outs. next thing i no is i see a lot of people and then the coach pulls up in a siver car. every one he yells if your hear for try outs come here. so we all run to him. now i want to make my self clear this is basketball try outs. who is here for basketball try out if you are give me a mile. so every one takes off running and boy was i tired. after it all was over i still had to go home and finish my homework. the only problem was i was very sore.good thing the next day was a Field trip.

now this has been the first time ever i went on a Field trip with asti. it was not a really big field trip but one never the less. so after second period was over i went to Mrs. corbally room and we where going to take a small Field trip to the farmers market. no at first it did not seem like a whole lot of fun but it would get me out of class so that was good enough for me.

when we had got to the farmers market every thing changed. once i saw all the stands filled with veggies and fruit i was truly amazed. i had only been to the farmers market once before and that was in middle school. this time it was a little different because i had to ask the farmers questions. now i did not really want to do so but i did and i heard about some fruits that never came up in my mind. i saw veggies that i never see at the super market. its a lot better tasting food at the farmers market and i would like to go back. i am just glad we got to go on a Field trip there. it was really cool.

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